The Old Planter

The Old Planter

The Old Planter

Below is what was placed on my heart as I rescued my first piece of furniture after leaving corporate life to pursue my dream. I was so touched by what God revealed to me that I wrote about it. I'm a little nervous about sharing it but here goes...

The old planter was once a prize possession, useful and loved, it had been crafted with great care.  In it's prime, it was valued for its resourcefulness and strength.  Over the years, as storms took their toll, the old planter lost its luster.  It was beat down, faded and worn; the harsh elements had left scars that were ugly and raw.  No longer viewed as something of use or beauty, it was neglected and cast aside as garbage. Seeming to have nothing to offer of value, it was cast aside as if it were disposable and unworthy.

Till one day, something about this planter resonated with a woman, she looked at it and thought “You are not worthless; you are well seasoned and strong, you have value. With time and effort, love and care, I will give you a new purpose so your beauty will shine again." 

As she set about giving it new life, stabilizing and building it up, it occurred to her that she was not so different from the old planter herself in many ways. She had her own battle scars; she too was tired and worn out. As the evidence of many years of being subjected to harsh elements were sanded away, she saw there was indeed still strength and beauty within.  Just as the sanding was harsh treatment for the planter, unearthing and dealing with old wounds was painful for her as well, but allowed for healing and transformation to begin.  As she was restoring the old planter and giving it new purpose in life; her Creator tended her wounds, strengthened her, and was giving her a new purpose in life as well.  As she washed the paint over its rebuilt frame, she was reminded of how life under the blood of Christ washes our sins, giving us new hope.  Rather than patching insect holes in salvaged boards, she decided to embrace them as beautiful battle scars, like her own, not to be viewed as flaws but rather as testimonies to strength, endurance, and the building of character. They were reminders of how her God used her own trials and battles for her growth and refinement, to pull her close to Himself and build her up in His strength and His faithfulness.

Dear friend, I imagine the storms of life have, at times, left you feeling worn and tired too.  My prayer for you is that you seek our Redeemer in Christ to heal and restore you; so that your value, strength, and beauty can shine once more, as testimony to the world that our own unique experiences enable us to all to bring value and beauty to those around us. 



An "old planter" of Kingdom seeds @

NOTE:  This cabinet was rescued as garbage, but it was once an outdoor vertical cedar planter. I forgot to take before pictures but you wouldn’t believe the difference, what a transformation! It is currently for sale in one of my vendor booths. (Forgive the poor staging, the photo was a last-minute thought, LOL!)

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