Faith over Fear

Faith over Fear

I love that our God is so faithful, even when we aren't. He never ceases to amaze me. I am so thankful for all the ways he blesses me. I have found the more thankful I am and the more I notice and acknowledge all his little gifts, the more blessings he gives me. 

Due to my childhood and another very long season of trials and trauma recently, I sometimes tend to be hesitant to claim the promises in God's word for myself. I tend to feel the outcome of things falls solely on my shoulders and my abilty to be good and get it right. I want to, and I believe his Word to be true, but I often feel his promises are 'in general' or for others, but not for myself. God has been working on me about that. Boy has he! He is waiting for me to surrender all and boldly go where he is leading. When my mind goes over all the 'what ifs', he is so faithful to keep sending me reminders to choose Faith over Fear. You wouldn't believe how he has been speaking to and encouraging me; I never cease to be amazed at his faithfulness.

This Devotional from Proverbs 31 Ministries and Nicole Zaswoski was such an encouragement to me this morning, as I am weighing the pros and cons of an important decision today. It could be the start of something wonderful, but with it comes a lot of work and responsibility. It could also set The LOL Studio more firmly on the path to the vision I feel God gave me. I struggle to keep up with the demands of life as it is, but God has been showing me that the harder I try to do everything in my own strength, the more behind I become. It is only in total surrender to him, that I see progress. When I cling to control with clenched fists of fear, I am unable to recieve all he has for me. "Let go and let God" is so much harder than it sounds! But, there is such joy and freedom in putting my hope and trust in the one true lover of my soul. I'm so glad he never gives up on me. There are greener pastures ahead, but I must trust him enough to step through the barriers I have erected around my heart and mind, I must choose to follow his peace and walk with him where he is leading me. He consistently sends me encouragement through what I read, what he speaks to my spirit, and through people he places in my life. The more I dig in, the closer he comes. There is no greater joy than that my friends. 

Today, I choose to be thankful and vigilant to look for all the beauty and the many blessings he has placed right in front of me. I am watching expectantly for what's next. I only hope that I can delight him and make him smile today as well. 

Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her! - Luke 1:45

Can you relate? When has God showed up for you but you were hesitant to dare to believe, step out and boldly go? Share your encouragement and testimony in the comments. 

I recieve no compensation for sharing this devotional from Proverbs 31 Ministries, I just love to share a good thing!

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